// Read: Ephesians 2:8-15 //
8 Because of his kindness, you have been saved through trusting Christ. And even trusting is not of yourselves;[a] it too is a gift from God. 9 Salvation is not a reward for the good we have done, so none of us can take any credit for it. 10 It is God himself who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus, and long ages ago he planned that we should spend these lives in helping others.
11 Never forget that once you were heathen and that you were called godless and “unclean” by the Jews. (But their hearts, too, were still unclean, even though they were going through the ceremonies and rituals of the godly, for they circumcised themselves as a sign of godliness.) 12 Remember that in those days you were living utterly apart from Christ; you were enemies of God’s children, and he had promised you no help. You were lost, without God, without hope.
13 But now you belong to Christ Jesus, and though you once were far away from God, now you have been brought very near to him because of what Jesus Christ has done for you with his blood.
14 For Christ himself is our way of peace. He has made peace between us Jews and you Gentiles by making us all one family,[b] breaking down the wall of contempt* that used to separate us. 15 By his death he ended the angry resentment between us, caused by the Jewish laws that favored the Jews and excluded the Gentiles, for he died to annul that whole system of Jewish laws. Then he took the two groups that had been opposed to each other and made them parts of himself; thus he fused us together to become one new person, and at last there was peace.

Salvation of souls of men is by grace. Grace is the unmerited favour of God bestowed on believers of Christ. It is the gift of God. There is nothing in Christ that is to be done by human effort. Grace should take the place of race. Always yield yourselves to the grace that is made available in Christ. This grace has made us to be God’s workmanship, we are part of all what God would want to WORK out in the midst of men. So, begin to walk in the realities of your position in Christ Jesus with this knowledge.
PRAYER: Pray that by grace, you will walk in the realities of your position in Christ

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